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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Two - 16 June 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Two - 16 June 2024 - Page 7

A ’competitive election’ ...

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Therefore, I believe that the media should help guide people to acquire a better understanding of the country’s issues and the capabilities of the presidential hopefuls, and not be heavily influenced by the emotional and sensational atmosphere of electoral campaigns.

It appears that economic hardships are a main source of concern for both the candidates and the public. Do you believe that economic issues could emerge as a central point of contention in the competition and electoral debates?
Understanding the primary needs of society at this stage is essential. Economic problems and having a plan to address them will definitely be one of the main topics in the election. However, I believe the root of the existing economic obstacles lies in the quality of management. That is, if management improves and, for example, a candidate with significant managerial experience at various levels becomes president, they can recruit experienced and expert managers. If management improves, then it will have its effects on other areas such as the economy, culture, politics, and social issues. Therefore, it is important to know what the primary needs of society are and which candidate can better respond to these needs, meaning to meet those requirements with robust and expert management.

The candidates’ televised campaign has begun. Given the time constraints, it appears that the state-run TV can play a crucial role in the competition. Can these programs assist in familiarizing people with the candidates and their programs?
It can help or it may not. It depends on the candidates’ performance in the electoral debates. If the campaign programs broadcasted by the national TV and watched by many viewers tend towards sensational controversies, attacks, and revelations against each other, the atmosphere will definitely become polarized, overshadowing the programs and capabilities of the candidates within it. However, if the candidates adhere to political ethics and focus more on introducing themselves and their programs, it can help people get to know them.

In any case, the country is grappling with a range of issues, and candidates are offering different pledges to tackle them. Are you optimistic that these elections will pave the way for economic growth and resolution of current challenges?
I see a major weakness in the country that has led to problems in various areas, which is the quality of management. If we can strengthen management, we can make better use of facilities. We do not have a serious lack of resources; with professional and scientific management, we can overcome these problems with the existing resources. For example, a dualism has emerged among the political currents, some saying that the root of the problems lies in foreign sanctions, while others argue that sanctions have no impact on the country’s status. I do not deny the pressure and negative effects of sanctions, but I believe that a more important issue than sanctions is the poor quality of management in the country, which has become problematic. Even during this period of sanctions, we have examples of highly-qualified managers who have been able to improve the conditions in their relevant areas. Therefore, it is important for people to choose a candidate with high managerial abilities rather than a candidate who lacks robust management skills but has a raucous election campaign. If we improve management, other problems will also be resolved along the way.

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