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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Nine - 12 June 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Nine - 12 June 2024 - Page 4

Reforming int’l system on BRICS agenda

At the conclusion of the first day of the BRICS member countries’ summit in Nizhny Novgorod, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a 54-point statement. This statement covers a wide range of global issues, including regional and international developments and conflicts. Ali Bagheri, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, and senior diplomats from other BRICS member countries attended the summit. According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they reviewed and approved a statement previously discussed by the group’s Sherpas (special national representatives) over the preceding three days. One section of the statement expressed deep and sincere condolences from the BRICS foreign ministers to the people and government of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the tragic passing of Ayatollah Raisi, President of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Foreign Minister, and other companions in an aviation accident. The first day of the summit commenced with diplomats paying tribute to the late President of Iran.

Emphasis on respect, mutual understanding

The foreign/international relations ministers of the BRICS countries emphasized their commitment to strengthening BRICS' strategic partnership across three main areas—political and security, economic and financial, and cultural and humanitarian relations. According to the statement, senior BRICS diplomats reaffirmed their commitment to the group's approach of mutual respect, understanding, equality, solidarity, inclusiveness, and consensus. Additionally, they welcomed the active participation of new members and guaranteed continued support for them in the BRICS cooperation mechanisms.


BRICS,  Ukraine crisis

The statement reiterated the national positions of BRICS members on the situation in Ukraine, as previously expressed in forums such as the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly. The members also supported proposals for mediation aimed at peacefully resolving the Ukraine conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.


Concern over deteriorating situation in Palestine

The BRICS foreign ministers expressed deep concern about the worsening situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly the unprecedented violence in the Gaza Strip resulting from Israeli military operations, which have caused significant civilian casualties, displacement of many Palestinians, and destruction of civilian infrastructure. The statement called for the effective implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions and UNSC Resolution 2720, and for the immediate, safe, and unimpeded delivery of essential humanitarian aid directly to the Palestinian civilian population across the Gaza Strip. It also urged the effective implementation of UNSC Resolution 2728 for establishing a long-term and sustainable ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all civilians forcibly taken captive.


Condemnation of Israel

The BRICS foreign ministers voiced deep concern over the intensifying attacks by the Israeli regime on Rafah, which could lead to a severe humanitarian crisis. They condemned the Israeli military operations in Rafah and their direct impact on civilian life, particularly given the high density of the Palestinian civilian population in the area and the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of the blockade of the Rafah border crossing from the Palestinian side. The ministers also reiterated their rejection of any attempts to displace or forcibly relocate Palestinians from their land and warned of the risk of spreading instability throughout the Middle East due to escalating tensions.


Support for South Africa’s complaint against Israel

The BRICS foreign ministers noted the provisional measures adopted by the International Court of Justice in proceedings initiated by South Africa against Israel and expressed serious concern over Israel’s ongoing blatant disregard for international law, United Nations Charter, resolutions, and ICJ rulings. They also declared their support for full Palestinian membership in the United Nations and the establishment of a Palestinian state within the internationally recognized borders of June 1967.


Improving global governance

In their final statement from the June 10, 2024, summit, the BRICS foreign ministers reiterated their commitment to multilateralism, respect for international law, and the central role of the United Nations in the international system. They emphasized the importance of cooperation among sovereign nations to maintain international peace and security and promote cooperation based on solidarity, mutual respect, justice, and equality. Senior BRICS diplomats also affirmed their commitment to enhancing and improving global governance by promoting a more accountable, effective, efficient, and adaptable international and multilateral system that is representative, legitimate, and democratic. They called for greater and more meaningful participation of developing and less-developed countries, particularly African nations, in global structures and decision-making processes.


Support for comprehensive reforms in United Nations

The BRICS foreign ministers reiterated their support for comprehensive reforms of the United Nations, including the Security Council, to make it more democratic, effective, and efficient while increasing its representation from developing countries. From the BRICS perspective, these changes are necessary for the UN Security Council to adequately address current global challenges and support the legitimate aspirations of developing countries, including BRICS nations, to play a more significant role in international affairs.


Addressing international issues

Other sections of the final statement from the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting touched on international issues such as climate change, the need for developed countries to accelerate the transfer of affordable climate technologies to developing countries, global health, ensuring food security and nutrition, and promoting agricultural development and women’s issues.


Support for non-discriminatory multilateral trade

The senior BRICS diplomats expressed their support for an open, transparent, fair, inclusive, equitable, and rules-based multilateral trading system, centered on the World Trade Organization (WTO), to support countries, including the least developed nations.


Preventing repetition of colonial exploitation

The BRICS foreign ministers emphasized that past injustices and the inhumane history of colonial exploitation, especially in mineral extraction from developing countries, should not be repeated. They called for these minerals to benefit the social and economic well-being of the people and countries where they are found. They also agreed that countries with these minerals should participate in global value chains without discrimination and not be limited to supplying raw materials.


Need for comprehensive reforms in
global financial structure

The BRICS diplomats highlighted the need for comprehensive reforms in the global financial structure to enhance the voice and representation of developing countries in international financial institutions. They expressed support for a strong global financial safety net with a central role for a stable International Monetary Fund (IMF), based on a quota system with sufficient financial resources, and called for continued reform of IMF operations. They also emphasized the need to reform the principles and procedures of multilateral development banks to expand their lending capacities to better support developing countries in financing development needs and addressing climate change.


Increase in use of national currencies
among BRICS countries

The BRICS foreign ministers underscored the importance of expanding the use of national currencies in trade and financial exchanges among member countries. They referred to paragraph 45 of the Second Johannesburg Declaration, which tasked BRICS finance ministers and central bank governors with exploring the use of national currencies, payment tools, and platforms and reporting their findings to BRICS heads of state and government.


Preventing terrorist uses of new technologies

The BRICS foreign ministers stressed the need to strengthen mechanisms to combat the increasing use of new and emerging technologies by terrorists and their supporters for recruitment and terrorist activities. They also emphasized the importance of efforts to accelerate the implementation of resolutions for establishing a nuclear-weapon-free and other weapons of mass destruction-free zones in the Middle East. Another key point was the full implementation of Resolution 1540, which is crucial for countries to adopt effective national measures to prevent weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, and related materials from falling into the hands of non-state actors, including terrorists.
They also stated that addressing the global drug problem is a shared responsibility that must be pursued multilaterally through effective and strengthened international cooperation, requiring an integrated, multidisciplinary, mutually reinforcing, balanced, science-based, and comprehensive approach. Additionally, the BRICS foreign ministers reiterated their support for ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities and preventing an arms race and the placement of weapons in outer space.
They expressed concern over the growing spread of misinformation and stressed the importance of ensuring the free flow of information, public access to accurate and fact-based information, protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of opinion and expression, and promoting digital and media literacy based on national and international laws.
In the final clause of the statement, the BRICS members affirmed their support for strengthening multilateralism for fair global development and security as the group’s theme during Russia’s presidency in 2024 and confirmed Brazil’s rotating presidency of BRICS in 2025.

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