Gasoline imports underway under barter framework: NIORDC

Gasoline imports to Iran is underway under a barter framework, said the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) Managing Director Jalil Salari.
Speaking in a presser in Tehran on Tuesday, the deputy oil minister added that the unexpected increase in the consumption of gasoline across the country after COVID-19 era led to the stop in gasoline exports, Shana reported.
During the epidemiological crisis in 2021, with the daily consumption of about 70 million liters and the production of about 93 million liters of gasoline, it was possible for Iran to export gasoline but with the increase of 20 million liters of consumption in post-pandemic era, it was not possible to export gasoline, he explained.
Gasoline consumption in Iran is three times the world standard, Salari criticized, noting that if gasoline consumption is slashed by 10 percent, it will be possible to export, which will bring significant income to the country.

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