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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Six - 09 June 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Six - 09 June 2024 - Page 7

D-8 throws weight behind Palestinian cause

Unwavering support for gaza

Throwing its weight behind Palestine, the D-8 Council of Ministers on Saturday called for an “immediate and unconditional” ceasefire in Gaza as well as the termination of Israel’s months-long onslaught on the Palestinians in the besieged territory.
The foreign ministers of the Developing-Eight countries including Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, and Nigeria in the Istanbul meeting issued a collective statement that urged “an immediate, permanent and unconditional ceasefire, the cessation of the Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people in Gaza.”
The statement also called for “efforts to provide protection for Palestinian civilians and to form a practical and effective international protection mechanism for this in implementation of the resolutions of the Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly on the protection of the Palestinian people.”
The group affirmed “the unwavering support to the struggle of the Palestinian people to realize their inalienable rights, the full membership of Palestine in the United Nations and all the resolutions related to the Palestinian Cause in international fora.”
Iran’s interim Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri Kani praised the extraordinary meeting of the foreign ministers as “an opportunity to continue the active diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in support of the Palestinian cause and the resistance of the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime.”
Baqeri Kani also presented nine “practical proposals” for the D-8 countries’ joint action in support of the Palestinian people and against the Israeli war
on Gaza.
At least 36,801 people were killed and 83,680 wounded in Israel’s onslaught on Gaza since October 7, 2023.
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