World Health Assembly

Iranian Health Minister discusses bilateral cooperation with Cuba, Armenia, Zimbabwe

Iranian Health Minister Bahram Einollahi, attending the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, engaged in discussions with health ministers from Cuba, Armenia, and Zimbabwe to enhance bilateral relations in the fields of health, medicine, and medical equipment.
Einollahi met with Cuban Health Minister José Angel Portal Miranda, IRNA wrote.
Both ministers emphasized the importance of expanding bilateral health cooperation.
Einollahi highlighted the successful collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in the production of the Soberana vaccine.
He Miranda expressed interest in collaborating, particularly in pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, and mentioned the upcoming Joint Economic Commission of Iran and Cuba in Havana as an opportunity to understand Cuba’s healthcare potential.
In another meeting, Einollahi discussed cooperation with Zimbabwean Health Minister Douglas Mombeshora, who expressed a keen interest in importing Iranian medical equipment to Zimbabwe and other African markets.
Einollahi reiterated Iran’s strengths in various health sectors and proposed forming a working group for bilateral collaboration, appointing Mohammad Hossein Niknam to lead the Iranian side.
In a meeting between Einollahi and his Armenian counterpart Anahit Avanesyan, both ministers expressed mutual interest in expanding cooperation.
Avanesyan expressed condolences for the martyrdom of former Iranian president Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi and his delegation, stressing Armenia’s solidarity with Iran.
She praised the high quality of Iranian health products and invited Iranian companies to participate in the medical exhibition in Yerevan this August.
Einollahi appreciated the Armenian support and expressed hope for quick implementation of previous agreements through a joint working
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