Moscow hosts Russian artist’s exhibition inspired by ‘Shahnameh’

An exhibition showcasing the paintings and sculptures of Russian artist Sergey Feofanov, inspired by the characters of Ferdowsi’s ‘Shahnameh’ (The Book of Kings), opened Tuesday at the School of Dramatic Arts in Moscow.
The exhibition, titled ‘Eastern Wind,’ features 30 paintings and 40 sculptures that draw on the rich myths and legends from Ferdowsi’s epic work. The event, being held in the theater hall, marked the commemoration of the renowned Persian poet Ferdowsi.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Iran’s Cultural Attaché in Moscow, Masoud Ahmadvand, praised the Russian side for their collaboration in organizing this cultural event.
“Feofanov has been a pioneer in introducing Iranian art and culture to others,” Ahmadvand said, highlighting the artist’s ability to blend the lofty concepts of the ‘Shahnameh’ with modern imagination.
Ahmadvand recalled Feofanov’s earlier visit to Iran, where he held an exhibition in Mashhad. For his contributions to global awareness of Ferdowsi, Feofanov was awarded the Ferdowsi Medal. “Today, we witness his beautiful works, both sculptures and paintings,” Ahmadvand added.
Feofanov expressed his deep admiration for Iranian culture, particularly its poets, miniatures, and Ferdowsi’s ‘Shahnameh’. “Sometimes, I tell myself there is enough work in this field, but I cannot separate myself from Iran’s culture and the ‘Shahnameh’,” he said, underscoring his enduring passion.
The ceremony also featured remarks from other Russian artists who praised Feofanov’s work for its originality and innovative use of various elements and materials.
A recitation of the Shahnameh in both Persian and Russian was also part of the program.
The ‘Eastern Wind’ exhibition will remain open to visitors at the School of Dramatic Arts until
June 27.
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