Iran’s acting FM urge Muslim elites to pressure Israel

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri Kani called upon scholars in the Muslim world to explore all available avenues and exert more pressure on the Israeli regime in order to stop its onslaught against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Baqeri Kani made the appeal during a meeting with former Iraqi prime minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi in Tehran on Monday, Press TV reported.
During the meeting, the Iranian diplomat pointed to the strategic changes and developments that have taken shape at regional and international levels following Operation al-Aqsa Storm launched by Gaza-based Palestinian resistance groups on October 7 last year, and Operation True Promise, through which Iran made Israel pay the cost of the criminal attack against its embassy in the Syrian capital on April 1.
Baqeri Kani underlined that prominent thinkers and elites of the Muslim world must play much greater role, and heap pressure on Israel and its sponsors, above all the United States, so that the occupying regime would stop its crimes and genocide in Palestinian territories.
Abdul-Mahdi visited Tehran to offer condolences on the passing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who lost his life alongside seven others in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran on May 19.
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