Weight loss, gain drugs harm digestive health, expert warns

More than 30% of Iranians suffer from fatty liver disease, warned the President of the Iranian Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
At a press conference marking Digestive Health Week (May 25 - June 1), Farhad Zamani cautioned against the use of weight loss and weight gain drugs, which he said are harmful to the digestive system.
Zamani explained that weight gain drugs contain cortisone, while weight loss drugs have amphetamines, both damaging to the gut. Additionally, bodybuilding powders can harm the digestive system and kidneys. He emphasized that fatty liver disease is often linked to other health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure but can be prevented through lifestyle changes like regular exercise and a healthy diet. Zamani also urged people to avoid unproven traditional remedies for liver and digestive issues, as these can damage the liver and lead to the need for transplants.
Overuse of antibiotics, he added, can destroy beneficial organs and damage the gallbladder, advising against self-medication. Irregular sleep patterns and stress also negatively impact the digestive system and can contribute to gastrointestinal cancers.
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