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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Five - 25 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Five - 25 May 2024 - Page 2

News in Brief

Iran-Turkey Economic Commission to be held soon

The director general of the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe Department of Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation Commission will be held in the coming days to bolster bilateral ties in the fields of trade and economy.
The 4th session of the Coordinating Headquarters of Foreign Economic Relations was held with the participation of Director General of the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe Department of Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Reza Nazeri, some of the senior managers of the ministry, deputies and representatives of the executive organization on “Reviewing Latest Situation of Foreign Economic Relations with Turkey and Cuba”, IRNA reported.
Mahmoud Heidari submitted a comprehensive report on the situation of relations between Iran and Turkey and stated that the two countries have high potential to enhance their ties in trade and economic fields.
He pointed to the amicable relations between Iran and Turkey and called the organizing the 4th Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation as an opportunity for promoting the level of cooperation in all fields.


Agro sector to apply metaverse to increase productivity

The head of Iran Agricultural Information Sciences and Technology (IAIST) said the agricultural sector of the country will enter the world of metaverse to improve productivity.
Hossein Farazmand made the comments on the sidelines of the Iran Efficiency Exhibition, adding that the use of communications and information technology is one of the issues raised to increase efficiency and productivity in the agricultural sector.
In this regard, giant steps have been taken in the country to make the agricultural sector smarter, he said, adding that projects like smart irrigation and the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) are underway.
Farazmand pointed out that the first ‘metaverse’ platform in Iran’s agricultural sector was launched in cooperation with a technology-based firm so that the agricultural and horticultural products of Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture can be presented on this virtual space.

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