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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Five - 25 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Five - 25 May 2024 - Page 1

A prominent figure in Iran’s political spectrum

By Ebrahim Beheshti

Staff writer

In the recent tragic air crash, Iran mourns the loss of one of its most distinguished diplomats alongside the president. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, aged 60, lost his life at the pinnacle of his career as Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, leaving behind a remarkable legacy of diplomacy and public service. His relentless commitment to his work and extensive academic background cemented his status as a diplomatic force to be reckoned with.
Prior to assuming the role of Foreign Affairs Minister in 2021, Amir-Abdollahian accrued decades of invaluable experience in the realm of diplomacy. His career highlights include serving as an expert and deputy at the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad, the Persian Gulf Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as a special assistant to the Foreign Ministry for Iraqi Affairs. Furthermore, he contributed significantly to high-profile negotiations, such as the nuclear talks with the European Troika and the Iran-Iraq-US negotiation committee in 2007.
Amir-Abdollahian’s impressive résumé also boasts ambassadorship to Bahrain, holding the position of Arab and African deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and serving as assistant speaker of parliament and director-general of international affairs. In addition to his illustrious career, he pursued and completed all the three programs of university education in international relations, demonstrating an unwavering dedication to mastering his work.
In addition to his extensive experience and education in foreign policy, Amir-Abdollahian made significant contributions to the field of international relations through his writings, which included books and articles. His exceptional background and expertise earned him widespread respect, as evidenced by the overwhelming vote of confidence he received when nominated for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs position by the Iranian president in August 2021. With more than 270 votes in favor and only 6 against, he assumed the helm of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, marking a new chapter in Iran’s diplomatic history.
Although Amir-Abdollahian’s tenure as foreign minister lasted less than three years, this relatively brief period was replete with significant and perhaps unprecedented regional and international developments. From the Ukraine war to the Gaza war, Iran found itself entangled in global conflicts, whether willingly or not. Under Amir-Abdollahian’s guidance, Iran’s diplomatic strategy sought to distance Tehran from the consequences of these wars.
Many European and American countries attempted to portray Iran as a party to the conflict, particularly in the case of the Ukraine war, leveraging Tehran’s support for Moscow to justify extending the negative consequences beyond political statements and additional sanctions. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ logical and reasonable defense of Iran’s position, coupled with its constant opposition to the war and its expression of preparedness to help end the hostilities, effectively thwarted the plots of the nation’s adversaries.

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