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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Four - 22 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Four - 22 May 2024 - Page 2

Art of listening well

By Mohammad Reza Bahonar

Member of Iran’s Expediency Council

The passing away of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage in a tragic helicopter crash on Sunday has greatly affected all Iranian people. The grand funeral procession participated by a large number of Iranians in the northwestern city of Tabriz on Tuesday indicated the popularity of the top fallen figures among the people. Today’s procession in the capital Tehran will also be a serious test that will prove Raisi was a hard-working and popular president.
There are reasons behind his popularity. In the position of a president, he was not a man who would just sit at his desk and give orders. He knew the art of “listening well”. He listened to the problems of the villagers living along the borders as well as economic activists whose factories shut down due to economic problems.
His main concerns were the country’s economic prosperity and resolving the people’s woes. That’s why, during his presidency and also when he was the chief of the country’s judiciary, one of his main concerns was the reopening of companies and factories that were shut down due to various problems.
He was ever seeking to bring Iranians more satisfaction. That’s why the late president insisted on making provincial trips to be closely aware of the problems and demands of the people in all parts of the
During his short tenure, fine plans were implemented in the country to improve infrastructure, especially in the financial and economic fields. Although the president did not tie the country’s economy to foreign policy, he used diplomacy to boost the country’s economy.
By adopting an informed strategic policy, he managed to improve relations with Iran’s neighbors and develop economic cooperation. However, his government’s foreign policy was not limited to the improvement of relations with neighbors.
Under his presidency, Iran also joined two important international organizations, namely the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, a group of emerging economies. 
Following Sunday’s tragic incident, condolence messages flooded in from many countries and international bodies. The declaration of national mourning in several countries further proved how much the late Iranian president and his foreign minister were well-known and loved across the world.
The loss of this beloved president is a loss for the Islamic Republic of Iran and its people. But, due to prior challenging experiences, people’s support, and the Leader’s prudence, the Establishment has become so strong that there will be no disruption in the work of the country in the wake of the passing away of President

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