Russian firms invited to invest in Iran’s tourism

Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali invited Russian firms to invest in developing Iran’s tourism infrastructure as part of efforts to boost cooperation between the two countries in the tourism sector.
Jalali was speaking at a specialized meeting on Iran-Russia relations, which was attended by Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Baqeri and Russian federal and provincial officials, IRNA wrote
Tourism is one of the potential fields of cooperation between Tehran and Moscow, Jalali said.
In order to boost bilateral cooperation in that sector, Russian firms are invited to make investments and help develop tourism infrastructure and build hotels in Iran, the envoy said.
As another way to boost tourism cooperation, the two countries can establish direct flights between their cities, he said, adding that Iran’s southern islands can receive Russian tourists during the cold season when the islands have moderate weather.
The specialized meeting on Iran-Russia relations was held on the sidelines of the Russia-Islamic World Kazan Forum 2024, an annual event aimed at strengthening Russia’s ties with Islamic countries. This year’s forum was held on May 15-18.
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