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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty One - 19 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty One - 19 May 2024 - Page 1

A joint project for long-term cooperation

By Hasan Beheshtipour

International affairs expert

Presidents of the Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan are set to jointly inaugurate a dam shared by both neighbors on the Aras River. The Qiz Qalehsi dam stands as a fruit of long-term cooperation, now all set for its grand opening which will undoubtedly give a shot in the arm to the friendship between Tehran and Baku.
In the world of international relations, putting heads together for joint projects goes a long way in fostering stability and long-term cooperation among neighbors. When nations come together to flesh out collaborative endeavors, it speaks volumes about their mutual interest in reaping the rewards of cooperation. Unlike one-sided partnerships, where a single country holds all the cards, joint projects level the playing field and prevent unilateral disruptions.
Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan already boast a track record of successful team-ups, with the Turkmenistan gas swap project brokered by Iran serving as a shining example. This three-way collaboration has proven immensely advantageous for Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan. Within just one year of implementation, the volume of swapped gas doubled – a clear indicator of the win-win potential these partnerships hold. With that in mind, the joint Tehran-Baku dam project is shaping up to be yet another feather in the cap for the current Iranian administration.
Economic and political ties go hand in hand – the more secure the economic connections, the stronger the political bond grows, and vice versa. From this perspective, the joint project has huge potential for smoothing over political relations between Tehran and Baku.
Despite sharing deep cultural and historical roots and a wealth of untapped economic opportunities, political relations between Iran and Azerbaijan have occasionally hit rough patches. Israel’s recent encroachment into the region, near Iran’s borders, has ruffled feathers and soured Tehran-Baku friendly relations. With an agenda to exert pressure on Iran, Israel might not shy away from sowing discord in Tehran-Baku ties. That said, both nations must remain on guard against external agitators seeking to rock the boat.
As neighboring countries begin to see eye to eye with Iran on the benefits of cooperation, Israel’s recent actions in the Gaza Strip have cast a shadow of doubt on its reliability as an ally for no country. The Gaza escalation and Israel’s vulnerability against Iran’s missile and drone attack have revealed Israel’s nature more than ever.
The upcoming meeting between the presidents of Iran and Azerbaijan and the inauguration of this joint economic project signal a turning point for bilateral relations. The event heralds a new chapter in the Tehran-Baku political saga, paving the way for the next big thing in their collaborative journey.
Today’s meeting between the presidents of Iran and Azerbaijan, coupled with the inauguration of a joint economic project, is a stepping stone towards fostering more stable economic cooperation and safeguarding shared interests. Such collaboration is bound to spill over positively into the political arena, nurturing stronger Tehran-Baku relations. Moreover, with the Azerbaijani Embassy soon resuming operations in Tehran, both nations will have the opportunity to build upon this momentum and forge an even closer partnership.


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