Iran keen on expanding electricity trade with Turkey

The CEO of Iran’s Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (TAVANIR) announced the country’s determination to develop electricity trade with Turkey.
Speaking in a meeting held between a high-ranking delegation of Iran’s power industry and CEOs and senior managers of the Turkish Energy Exchange Company (EPİAŞ), Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi stated that Iran is ready to welcome Turkish investors in the country’s electricity industry, especially in renewable energies, reported Tasnim News Agency.
During the meeting, the CEO of the Turkish Energy Exchange stressed the need to bolster bilateral cooperation in the financial markets of electricity.
Also, the manager of the strategy development of Turkish Energy Exchange Company expounded on the structure and method of electricity transactions at Turkey’s Energy Exchange and introduced the upcoming programs in the development of the electricity trade and diversification of the energy portfolio in 2035 Vision Plan with a focus on the renewable power plants.
The CEO of Iran’s TAVANIR Company traveled to Turkey at the head of a delegation comprising the CEO of the Iran Energy Exchange, deputy head of TAVANIR for the market development affairs and also the director general of the foreign trade office of the electricity.
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