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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Nine - 16 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Nine - 16 May 2024 - Page 3

Hormuz: The enchanting ’Rainbow Island’

Did you know that the enchanting island of Hormuz, nestled near Bandar Abbas in the heart of Hormuzgan Province, is famously called 'Rainbow Island'? The island’s vibrant hues are a result of its diverse range of minerals and rocks, creating a mesmerizing spectacle for visitors. Shaped like an exquisite oval, Hormuz boasts a significant portion made up of edible salt, adding a unique touch to its natural wonders. Spanning a remarkable 42 kilometers, this captivating island graces the stunning Persian Gulf.
Every corner of this island is blended with astonishing beauty. Colors have created the island like a painting and added to its charm. Hormuz is unlike any other island in the Persian Gulf. You can’t find a similar example anywhere in the world. It is a salt dome rising from the sea.
The attractions of Hormuz Island are numerous, with the most notable being Rainbow Valley. It seems that this time the rainbow arch has taken shape not in the sky, but on the surface of a dome-shaped island.
Watching a rainbow in the sky is not something contrary to belief, but the existence of a beautiful rainbow on the surface of the earth, in the midst of mountains, is beyond belief and everyday experience.
Such a landscape, with the backdrop of the Persian Gulf and the azure sky of Hormuz, captivates every spectator.
In the valley, more than 70 diverse color spectra can be found. From a distance one might think that we are experiencing a visual error. It is hardly believable that all those colors encompass the soil and heights, creating such a delightful 'Rainbow Island'. But the closer we get, the more we believe and accept that what lies before us is not an illusion, or a dream, but exactly how Hormuz appears from afar.
Each layer of soil and rock on the island is adorned with a vibrant palette of colors, from vivid yellows and pristine whites, to fiery reds, majestic purples, and unexpected hues that defy imagination. The intermingling of these hues creates an enchanting spectacle. Patience is required to fully revel in the euphoria of witnessing such a display of colors.
We stand in awe of the unmatched beauty in Hormuz’s Rainbow Valley. Its diverse and magnificent rainbow, painted across layers of earth, is truly ethereal and unparalleled. Prepare to be enchanted by this extraordinary natural wonder.
Rainbow Valley has various metallic stones. Some of these stones can only be found on this island, such as Hematite, which is called Shadneh in Persian. This stone can be seen in Europe and some countries in Latin America. In Asia, only Rainbow Valley has such a stone. It is interesting to know that this metallic stone is said to have created the red color of the planet Mars.
One of the important stones in Rainbow Valley is Magnetite, which is also a mineral and is black in color. The stone Olivine, which is the most abundant iron ore, is also found in Rainbow Valley. This stone is red and shiny. Iron oxide can be found in all of these stones.
But what adds more value to Rainbow Valley is its colorful soil. The soil is used in painting and other artistic purposes; they are employed in the cosmetics and ceramics industries, and have medicinal value. There is even a colorful soil there that is edible.
In the past, colorful soil from Rainbow Valley was abundantly exported to countries around the world, especially to leading countries in the cosmetics industry. However, in recent years, for reasons unknown, the export of colorful soil from the valley has decreased. Perhaps one reason for this decline is reckless harvesting, which damaged the diverse range of colors found in the valley’s soil.
We mentioned a fascinating fact about a species of soil from Rainbow Valley that is actually edible. The islanders, who call this soil Gilak, cleverly use it to create flavorful spices. They blend Gilak with oranges, then sprinkle it over freshly baked bread. The result is a mouthwatering delicacy known as Suragh.
In Rainbow Valley, there is a famous stone that is remembered everywhere. It resembles two hands reaching towards the sky. When it rains, water gathers between the two hands and slowly trickles onto the stone hollow. These little stone hands create a captivating sight, as if they want to prevent the rain from being wasted.
One of the enchanting wonders of Hormuz Island is Snow Mountain. Located just a stone’s throw away from the vibrant Rainbow Valley, this majestic snow-capped peak is crafted from shimmering salt and crystals. It stands tall as a cherished gem among the island’s top tourist destinations. From the breathtaking Rainbow Valley, visitors can observe the Snow Mountain’s ethereal snowy silhouette, unveiling a scene straight out of a winter wonderland.
Hormuz Island and Rainbow Valley are best seen in autumn and winter. During these two seasons, the heat of the weather is reduced, and there is more time and tranquility to admire a valley with captivating and delightful colors.

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