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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Seven - 14 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Seven - 14 May 2024 - Page 1

Strengthening India-Iran Ties Through the Chabahar Port Project

By Sarbananda Sonowal

India’s union minister of ports, shipping and waterways

I am very happy to have been present in the beautiful country of Iran on May 13, 2024, and witness the signing of the long-term Contract between India Ports Global Limited and the Ports and Maritime Organisation of Iran for the equipping and operation of the Shahid Beheshti port in Chabahar. At this historic moment, I remember the words of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who, on the day of the signing of the Chahbahar Agreement in May 2016, called it a “corridor of peace and prosperity.” Yesterday’s landmark development is certainly a decisive step forward in the friendly relations between our countries.
India and Iran, two proud nations, are also custodians of ancient and great civilizations. Together, we have contributed to the cultural enrichment of humanity for thousands of years. Our peoples have enjoyed centuries of interaction, leaving an indelible mark on our language, literature, art, architecture, cuisine, and traditions. The centuries of contact and mutual respect between our nations have resulted in a beautiful amalgamation of our cultures, which is evident in our poems, songs, and other art forms. This shared heritage is a testament to the enduring bond between our nations.
Before the partition of India in 1947, India and Iran were physical neighbors. Our common land border facilitated the easy flow of people, goods, culture, and ideas. Unfortunately, this direct contact was lost. However, in our hearts, Indians and Iranians continued to look upon each other as neighbors. There is a yearning on both sides to maintain the centuries-old contact, exchange goods, learn from each other, and enjoy each other’s cultural richness. However, for this, we need better connectivity between our territories. Since a land border no longer connects us, maritime connectivity between our countries is of great importance.


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