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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six - 13 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six - 13 May 2024 - Page 4


Tehran is a large and bustling city that does not leave much room for its residents to relax with its crowds and noise. However, this vast city with many attractions can be a very enjoyable and interesting place.
One of the most captivating museums in Tehran is the International Dolls Museum which houses various types of dolls and is a beautiful and tranquil place to watch them.
The museum offers a delightful journey into the realm of dolls and toys, appealing to individuals of all ages, particularly children and teenagers, by acquainting them with the diverse cultures, stories, myths, attire, and traditions of various countries.
Fortunately, the museum provides an avenue for such cultural exploration. As its name implies, the museum goes beyond Iranian dolls, curating a diverse collection of dolls and narratives from various nations for visitors to enjoy and learn from.
Located in the heart of Tehran, this local museum showcases a myriad of dolls from across the globe. Alongside local and overlooked Iranian dolls, the museum features a collection of dolls from Europe, America, and Asia. The museum’s activities extend beyond merely exhibiting dolls for children, as each doll is accompanied by its own unique story and historical background.
Dolls have historically emerged from myths and tales, with individuals crafting dolls of their heroes as a display of admiration. Consequently, dolls serve as cultural emissaries, embodying the customs and ideologies of different societies.
Exploring the dolls of different nations can be an enjoyable and straightforward method to delve into various cultures. For instance, if you are considering traveling or relocating, particularly to Asian countries, familiarity with their cultural expressions can foster a sense of closeness and warmth among locals. Dolls often represent a significant aspect of a country’s cultural heritage, offering a starting point for conversations and facilitating connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
This museum showcases over 2,500 cultural dolls from 84 countries worldwide, displayed in various sections categorized by continent. Visitors can explore rituals, customs, arts, clothing, music, handicrafts, and natural heritage from Iran and around the globe. Through educational workshops, regular exhibitions, and mobile museum services, this museum offers enthusiasts the opportunity to deepen their understanding of global cultures and dolls.

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