Archeologists discover Iron Age burial site during road construction

A historical burial site dating back to the Iron Age was discovered during road construction operation in Ardebil province.
The excavation work was halted and emergency archaeological excavations began after the discovery of a human burial site in the Ultan Qalasi area along the Parsabad-Sarband highway, ILNA wrote.
The project aims to explore ancient burial sites at risk of destruction due to construction projects.
Mehdi Jahed, the head of the Ultan Qalasi Cemetery Archaeology Team, stated that one Iron Age burial site was uncovered, containing pottery vessels, a bone needle, and small agate, shell, glass paste, and obsidian beads. Further exploration is ongoing to uncover more ancient remains in the area.
The archaeological team has identified only one burial site from the Iron Age so far, suggesting it may have belonged to nomadic communities or travelers passing through the area. The importance of preserving such ancient heritage remains a priority as excavation continues.

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