Iran’s future in hands of girls: Raisi

Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi hailed the invaluable contributions of Iranian girls to the nation’s development, stressing their important role in shaping the country’s future.
He made the statement during a ceremony commemorating Girls’ Day on May 8, wrote.
The president said, “We do not accept isolating women. Our view of women is the same as Islam’s, which believes that girls can be valuable wives and mothers and can also play a role in society.”
Addressing the gathering, Raisi highlighted the significance of recognizing the multifaceted roles girls play in society, highlighting their capacity as both nurturers and pioneers.
Rejecting any notion of marginalizing women, Raisi reiterated the Islamic perspective, which regards girls as capable of assuming diverse roles in society. “We refuse to confine women to a secondary status,” he emphasized, advocating for their active participation across all fields.
Pointing to the remarkable achievements of Iranian women in various fields, including education, sports, and cultural endeavors, Raisi commended their notable contributions to the nation’s progress. “We take pride in our female professors, teachers, managers, and innovators,” he declared, citing their role in advancing the country.
Celebrating the accomplishments of Iranian girls in sports, Raisi highlighted their recent successes in international competitions.
“Yesterday [May 7], I stood among medalists, witnessing girls proudly raising the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he remarked.
Reflecting on the significance of Girls’ Day, Raisi drew parallels with prominent figures in Islamic history.
“Every day, week, month, and year, we must acknowledge the worth of our daughters,” he asserted, urging for continued respect towards girls as precious entities.
“The advancement of our country lies in the hands of our young people, especially our girls, who can make the future of our nation,” he concluded.
Raisi said, “I congratulate all of you and all the girls of Iran on Girl’s Day, and I came here to say that a girl means affection, feeling, divine mercy, a source of pride and an invaluable and lovable existence, and I say that I love all the girls of dear Iran”.
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