Pure brutality, shameful ...

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It seems that the international community has reached a stalemate in dealing with this blatant brutality. The actions of the Israeli army in Gaza over the past seven months have been clear violations of human rights, international conventions of war, and constitute war crimes and genocide.
 In recent months, efforts and pressures from governments and international organizations to establish a cease-fire and curb the madness of Benjamin Netanyahu, with the support of the United States, have been unsuccessful. The United States, by ignoring the humanitarian atrocities in Gaza, has not only disregarded the principle of respecting human rights but has also weakened the credibility of the United Nations and the Security Council. Therefore, it is not unjustified to view the United States government as complicit in these crimes.
In a clear contradiction, the US administration has approved a $26 billion aid package to Israel while simultaneously announcing a halt to bomb shipments to this regime. While shedding crocodile tears for Palestinian civilians and pretending to negotiate a cease-fire, it has undermined any proposals for peace in the Security Council.
When discussing the assault on Rafah, we are talking about one and a half million individuals densely concentrated in a small area, now either forcibly displaced or exposed to bombing and tank fire. This declaration by Ahmed Abu Zeid, the spokesperson for the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serves as a stark illustration of the current state of silence and inaction in today’s world: What is transpiring is a disgraceful blemish for the international community.

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