Raisi to Barzani: Don’t allow Israel, anti-Iran elements abuse Iraq soil

Iranian president urged governments in Iraq and the country’s Kurdistan Region not to allow the elements of the Israeli regime and anti-revolutionary groups to abuse the Arab country’s soil against Iran.
Ebrahim Raisi made the remarks in a meeting with visiting President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Nechirvan Barzani in Tehran on Monday.
The Iranian president appreciated Baghdad and Erbil for “full and precise” implementation of a bilateral security agreement signed between the two sides. He said that the complete disarmament and uprooting anti-revolutionary elements in Iraqi territory is a necessity.
Back in 2023, Tehran and Baghdad signed a security agreement encompassing coordination in protecting the shared border.
Under the agreement, the Iraqi government has promised to disarm terrorist and separatist groups based in the Kurdistan region, vacate their military barracks, and transfer them to the camps established by the Baghdad government.
In January, Iran launched a missile strike at a main espionage center of the Israel’s Mossad spy agency in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The attack totally destroyed the Mossad center there.
During the Monday meeting, Raisi also expressed hope that Barzani’s trip would be a turning point in improving the level of political, security, economic and cultural relations between the two sides.
“We consider the long border between the two sides as a valuable opportunity to improve the level of relations, but security is the essential foundation of any kind of cooperation and expansion of interactions.”
Barzani also held a separate meeting with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
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