Iran, Iraq urged to use national currencies in trade transactions

Iran’s first vice president said that Tehran and Baghdad should use their national currencies in economic and trade
In a meeting with Iraqi Trade Minister Atheer Daoud Salman Al-Ghariri, Mohammad Mokhber referred to the friendly, historical and cultural relations between the two countries and said the two sides should use their national currencies, instead of the currency of a third country, in bilateral trade and economic transactions, Tasnim reported.
Iran attaches great importance to its relations with Iraq, he said, expressing hope that the two countries would witness evermore progress in all areas.
Mokhber emphasized the need for expanding economic relations and promoting the level of trade cooperation between Iran and Iraq.
He added that the private sectors of the two countries can play a leading role in enhancing trade and economic relations.
It is necessary that joint economic cooperation commission of the two countries should first identify the obstacles in the way of the development of bilateral relations and then embark on removing the trade barriers.
The Iraqi minister of trade, for his part, said that Baghdad is determined to strengthen its relations with Tehran in all areas, especially in the fields of trade and economy.
Al-Ghariri also said that Iraq is a lucrative market for Iranian goods and products.
23 documents underway
Meanwhile, the two countries are going to sign 23 documents at their joint economic commission to broaden bilateral ties in the fields of energy, transport, trade, export of technical and engineering services, investment, finance and banking.
Speaking at the 6th meeting of the Iran-Iraq Joint Economic Cooperation Commission, Head of the Organization for Investment Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran Ali Fekri said 23 documents have been prepared to be inked with Iraq at the joint commission to broaden relations in different fields.
Fekri said negotiations are underway for finalizing the documents.
The minutes of the negotiations will be inked at the open session of the joint economic commission between Iran’s minister of economy and the Iraqi minister of trade.
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