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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty One - 07 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty One - 07 May 2024 - Page 1

Saudi-Israel deal on the back burner

By Emad Abshenas

International affairs expert

Contrary to some predictions, the issue of normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, at least for now. The United States is pushing Saudi Arabia to go along with the normalization of relations with Israel to ease tensions in the region. But what’s crystal clear is that the internal dynamics in Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, are dead set against any ties with Israel.
On the flip side, the terms that Riyadh is laying out for normalization are so stringent that it looks like Saudi Arabia isn’t willing to strike a deal. Al Riyadh newspaper reports that Saudi Arabia won’t sign off on any plan for normalization unless Israel agrees to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.
By making this demand, Saudi Arabia is essentially passing the buck to Israel, knowing full well that the current Israeli cabinet won’t budge on the issue of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. This move by Saudi Arabia is a balancing act that appeases both the US and the Saudi public, as it places the burden of meeting the condition squarely on Israel, which is also steadfastly against it.

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