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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty - 06 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty - 06 May 2024 - Page 3

Bisheh Village, a global tourist destination in Lorestan Province

The beautiful Bisheh waterfall, located next to the Sazar River and Bisheh railway station, is 70 kilometers away from Khorramabad, Lorestan Province. It has turned Lorestan Province into a sought-after destination for travelers and tourists seeking natural beauty. The stunning and enduring Bisheh Waterfall, situated alongside the river and railway track, has made Bisheh waterfall one of the most popular natural tourist attractions in Lorestan Province.
Despite its beauty and divine charm, Bisheh village has been selected for global registration by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts. With the completion of necessary legal procedures, addressing issues, and establishing essential infrastructure, this village is poised to become a global destination
Ata Hassanpour, Director General of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization of Lorestan Province, stated that the dossier for the global registration of Bisheh village is in its final stages and will be sent for final review.
Hassanpour added that Bisheh village is among the most popular attractions in Lorestan Province and the second most visited natural site in Lorestan Province after Falak al-Aflak Castle.
He further mentioned that this tourist village, with its railway, moderate climate, and the beautiful permanent Bisheh waterfall, attracts a large number of tourists from Lorestan and neighboring provinces.
He emphasized that in the process of preparing the dossier for the global registration of Bisheh village, the rural people are eagerly working to improve the village’s tourism status.
Hassanpour added that holding the River and Rail Festival and the Biennial Festival of Sorna Players and establishing markets for offering clothing, livestock, and agricultural products are examples of community-based programs in this village that have been organized with the efforts of the province’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization and the support of the villagers.
He further mentioned that, given the significant number of tourists visiting the village, training programs are offered to rural women to enable them to attract tourists and contribute to the economic growth of their community.
He also reported that warning signs about the dangers of drowning and no swimming have been placed along the Sazar River to alert tourists. In response to non-compliance by some tourists and related issues, proactive measures such as installing protective barriers and warning signs in Persian and English have been implemented along the river as well.
He also emphasized the importance of handicrafts in the development of tourism in Bisheh village, highlighting that local and indigenous handicrafts from Lorestan Province are showcased to tourists by local artists and villagers.

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