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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Seven - 01 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Seven - 01 May 2024 - Page 8

Iran, Russia to enhance cultural collaboration

Iran and Russia are expanding their cultural and artistic cooperation, as discussed in a meeting between Russian cultural attaché and the CEO of Roudaki Foundation.
During the meeting, Mohammad Allahyari, the CEO of the Roudaki Foundation, highlighted the artistic capacities of both countries and emphasized the potential of the Roudaki Foundation as a venue for cultural exchanges between Iran and Russia.
He mentioned the successful international programs jointly held with Russia, such as the participation of symphony orchestras in the 2018 World Cup and the performance of the Iranian National Orchestra during Iran’s Cultural Week in Russia.
Allahyari expressed the importance of establishing connections and introducing cultural foundations that align with the Roudaki Foundation’s activities, envisioning significant steps in cultural diplomacy and increased cultural interactions.
Lilia Vladimirovna Votinova, the cultural attaché of Russia, welcomed the meeting and praised the Roudaki Foundation’s capacities.  She expressed readiness to expand cooperation in various artistic fields, including the possibility of joint programs.
Votinova mentioned the exploration and implementation of agreements to enhance collaboration, aiming for mutual cultural exchanges.
Proposed collaborative efforts include establishing connections with Russian artistic foundations, mutual participation in prestigious festivals, organizing performances for symphony orchestras, holding various art exhibitions, inviting guest conductors for the Tehran Symphony Orchestra, and conducting joint cultural weeks.
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