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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Seven - 01 May 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Seven - 01 May 2024 - Page 1

US gripped by public outrage

By Amir-Ali Abolfath

US affairs expert

University protests in the United States, criticizing Washington’s pro-Israel policy, led to a series of evolving demands. Initially, following the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip and the regime’s atrocities, a large portion of the American society, including college students, called for the US administration to lean on Israel for a cease-fire.
Not only did the US administration brush aside this plea, but it also killed the cease-fire resolutions in the UN Security Council. In the subsequent phase, students pushed to sever ties between their universities and Israeli institutions. They insisted on halting any collaborative ventures between American universities and their Israeli counterparts. However, this plea fell on deaf ears as US university presidents rejected the students’ demand.
The tipping point that sparked recent protests was the intervention of law enforcement at Columbia University at the university president’s behest, resulting in the forceful treatment and arrest of students. This act acted as fuel to the fire of dissent. Alongside the previous requests, which include censuring the US’ unwavering support for Israel, the violation of free speech enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution has now been raised.

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