Iran, Oman discuss tourism cooperation

Iran’s Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts, Ezzatollah Zarghami, met with Omani Minister of Social Development, Laila Ahmed Al Najjar, in Tehran to discuss expanding tourism ties between the two nations.
During the meeting held in Tehran, Zarghami emphasized the importance of strengthening cultural, social, and political relations between Iran and Oman, IRNA wrote.
He highlighted the significance of cooperation in university partnerships and maritime tourism development.
Zarghami stated that Iran’s policy prioritizes boosting tourism relations with Oman, aiming to encourage Iranian tourists to visit Oman and vice versa.
In response, Al Najjar invited Zarghami to participate in an upcoming specialized tourism conference in Oman, indicating Oman’s interest in further collaboration with Iran in the field of handicrafts.
She proposed the organization of joint exhibitions to promote handicrafts trade between the two countries.

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