Evil Netanyahu in ...

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Furthermore, his ousting from power will likely lead to investigations into corruption allegations, compounded by the looming International Criminal Court verdict, which could result in double jeopardy for him.
Hassan Beheshtipour, a university professor and international relations expert, is of the opinion that Netanyahu is on his last legs politically. In an interview with “Iran Daily”, he stated: “If the International Criminal Court passes judgment against Netanyahu, not only will it bring international disgrace upon him, but it will also embolden his domestic opposition, setting the stage for his ousting or defeat in the upcoming elections.”
According to Beheshtipour, “Israel has historically thrived on victimhood narratives and relied on stories like the Holocaust and anti-Semitism throughout its decades-old existence. While Israel’s actions in Gaza have tarnished its victim image, a potential indictment of Netanyahu and other officials will further tarnish the regime’s reputation.”
The professor went on to say that even if the verdict against Netanyahu doesn’t materialize, it won’t alter his inevitable downfall. It appears unlikely that he will be able to stay in the political arena.Beheshtipour stressed that Netanyahu is heading towards a fate similar to that of Ehud Olmert. Olmert, the former Israeli Prime Minister, was compelled to resign following the fallout from the 33-day war against Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006. Netanyahu, too, may have no option but to step down if a cease-fire is brokered due to the severe impact of Hamas’ strike on Israel on October 7. This is why Netanyahu has been resisting the truce thus far.
According to the professor, a potential conviction in the International Criminal Court could hasten the process of Netanyahu’s removal or resignation from power. Netanyahu finds himself in a tight spot, with his problems increasing daily, and no easy way out in sight. The continuation of the war and assault on Rafah have no supporters both domestically and internationally. Promises of releasing captives remain unfulfilled, the Israeli economy has taken a significant hit, the security of occupied territories is compromised, Hamas remains undefeated, college students in the US—traditionally staunch supporters of Israel—have launched an anti-Israel movement, global public opinion increasingly leans towards sympathizing with Palestine, and the looming threat of an International Criminal Court ruling on war crimes charges against Netanyahu spells trouble for him. The evil man is approaching the end of the line.


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