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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Six - 30 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Six - 30 April 2024 - Page 2

News in Brief

IsDB to finance Iran’s three projects

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) will finance three new projects in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Talks on financing three new projects in Iran by the Islamic Development Bank is on the agenda of the meeting, reported Tasnim News Agency.
Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ehsan Khandouzi, who has traveled to Riyadh, attended the annual general assembly meeting of the bank on Monday morning.
The annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) kicked off in Saudi Arabia’s capital of Riyadh on Monday.
Khandouzi noted that it is the 50th establishment anniversary of the Islamic Development Bank as a major financial institution in the Muslim world.
The 57 member states of the organization use the facilities of the bank for infrastructural projects including energy, education, healthcare and treatment, he said, IRNA reported.
He went on to say that the Islamic Development Bank is the only financial institution that still helps finance development projects through the use of international credits.  
Expert-level meetings will be held with the economy ministers of the member states, especially countries that have a key role in the economic interactions with Iran, including those in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Khandouzi

Annual exports of aquatics hit 210,000 tons: IFO

A sum of 210,000 tons of the fishery products, valued at $650 million, were exported from Iran to 67 countries in the previous Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2023 to March 19, 2024), the deputy minister of agriculture stated.
Hossein Hosseini, who also heads the Iranian Fishery Organization (IFO), said that the exhibition is one of the most important events in showing Iran’s export capacities, IRNA reported.
The fishery industry is one of the unique capacities in the field of investment and yielding foreign currency and boosting it is one of the main objectives of the Ministry of Agriculture, he said, adding that a huge investment was made last year (ended March 19, 2024) in the fishery sector. The private sector of the country, which plays a leading role in spurring the export of fishery products, made 90 percent of the investment in this field last year, he said.  

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