Foreign investment in Iran’s tourism grew 18 times since mid-2021

Iran’s Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts, Ali-Asghar Shalbafian, announced a significant surge in foreign investment in the tourism sector since August 2021.
Speaking at the 6th export potential exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Expo 2024), Shalbafian disclosed that foreign investment in tourism has multiplied by 18, reaching $256 million by the end of the last Persian calendar year.
The deputy minister visited the hall of handwoven carpets, handicrafts and tourism and referred to the presentation of 600 investment packages of more than four million dollars at Iran Expo 2024.
The exhibition, which attracted over 80 countries and 2,000 foreign businessmen, serves as a platform for showcasing Iran’s tourism potential and products.
Shalbafian emphasized the ministry’s commitment to engaging with foreign investors to further boost tourism.
Iran Expo 2024 features 600 investment packages exceeding four million dollars each, highlighting the opportunities available in Iran’s tourism sector.
Shalbafian highlighted the significance of events like the expo in attracting foreign investment, portraying Iran’s stability and security to the global business community.
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