Iranian students support pro-Palestinian rallies in Western universities

University students stage rallies in a university in the northwestern city of Tabriz on April 28, 2024 to express solidarity with pro-Palestine academic demonstrations across the US and Europe. AHMADREZA TAHERI/ISNA

Iranian university students staged mass rallies to express their solidarity with pro-Palestine academic demonstrations across the United States and Europe demanding an end to Israel’s months-long genocidal war against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.
The university students, professors, and personnel in Iran held gatherings on their academic campuses after noon prayers on Sunday to condemn Israeli crimes and atrocities in Gaza over the past seven months.
“Academics all over the world, especially American and Western countries, have established humanitarian movements in defense of humanity and human rights, and launched a strong wave of support for the oppressed people of Gaza,” Iran’s Ministry of Science, Research and Technology said in a statement.
“On this occasion, our country’s dear academics, by organizing large gatherings after offering prayers in mosques and main squares of universities, will voice their support for the professors and students protesting the crimes of Israel’s child-killing regime,” it added.
Students and staff members of the University of Tehran held a rally on Saturday in support of growing protests on US campuses where students have erected encampments over the past days to demand action to end Israel’s war on Gaza.
Chanting “death to America, “death to Israel” and “death to England”, the demonstrators on Saturday condemned violent US police attacks on students.
More than 20 universities in the US and several others in Europe are protesting against the US-backed Israeli onslaught, which has killed over 34,000 people since October last year.
The students are calling for universities to separate themselves from any companies that are advancing the regime’s war on the besieged Palestinian territory.
Police have arrested hundreds of protesters across university campuses.
The United States has been providing Israel with unrestrained military, intelligence, and financial support since October 7, when the regime unleashed the war against the besieged Palestinian enclave.
Washington gives Israel $3.8bn in military assistance every year, and US President Joe Biden has continued to provide staunch support to the illegal entity amid the Gaza war. On Wednesday, Biden signed into law a massive funding package that will provide an additional $17bn to the occupying regime.
Washington has also vetoed several United Nations Security Council resolutions calling for a ceasefire in the brutal military aggression.
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