Iran targets completion of Iqbal film by year end: Minister

Iran’s Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister announced efforts to finalize the production of a cinematic film about Allama Iqbal till the end of the current Persian year.
While the director of the film has been chosen and is preparing the screenplay, the contract has yet to be finalized, Mohammad-Mehdi Esmaeili added, IRNA wrote.
The minister emphasized that the Farabi Cinema Foundation is in the process of finalizing the contract, with production expected to begin by the end of the current Persian year or early next year, he added.
Esmaeili made the statements during the meeting of the managers of the International Cultural and Art Festival of Imam Reza (PBUH).
Esmaeili highlighted the significance of the Imam Reza (PBUH) festival, aiming for it to become the country’s most reputable cultural and art festival.
He connected Iran’s cultural and artistic achievements to the blessings of Imam Reza (PBUH).
Referring to the book ‘Two Centuries of Silence’ by Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob, he noted that the third century coincides with the presence of Imam Reza (PBUH), symbolizing the brilliance of Islamic and Iranian civilization, known as the “Rezvani civilization.”
Esmaeili also stressed the special focus on promoting Persian language programs, noting the presence of six cultural centers in Pakistan, including Lahore, Karachi, and Quetta, which need strengthening.
He mentioned Iranian president’s special attention to cultural expansion in Pakistan and expressed hope for its successful completion.
He also highlighted the warm reception in Sri Lanka, where four memorandums of cooperation were signed between the two countries in the fields of media, cinema, culture, and artistic interaction, marking significant progress in cultural diplomacy alongside domestic cultural
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