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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Four - 28 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Four - 28 April 2024 - Page 7

Iran condemns new sanctions by US, Britain, Canada

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman denounced the latest sanctions the United States, Britain and Canada slapped against a number of Iranian individuals and firms, stressing that such moves could by no means undermine the Iranian government and nation’s determination.
Nasser Kanaani, in a statement released on Saturday, condemned the trio’s coercive measures against several real and legal entities linked to the Iranian armed forces, Press TV reported.
He also decried the European Parliament’s resolution against Iran, sharply criticizing certain European countries for following the vicious policies of the US administration.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s military capacities are being developed in accordance with its requirements in order to protect national security and interests, safeguard territorial integrity and sovereignty, and create a legitimate and deterrent defense against foreign threats and acts of aggression,” Kanaani said.
The Iranian diplomat stressed that sanctions against Iran’s defense sector could by no means erode the Iranian government and the nation’s determination to enhance national sovereignty for the sake of defending territorial integrity and national interests. Contrary to the will of those imposing them, sanctions will turn into an opportunity for the promotion of self-sufficiency as well as military and defense capabilities, Kanaani highlighted.
He also sternly criticized the European Parliament’s double standards toward the Israeli regime’s attack on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in the Syrian capital city of Damascus, arguing that the legislative bodies of the European Union simply expressed regret over the airstrike whilst strongly condemned Iran’s legitimate response to the Israeli act of aggression which came within the framework of inherent right of legitimate defense.
Kanaani went on to roundly dismiss Western allegations over Russia’s deployment of Iranian-made drones against Ukraine, stating that the US and some European countries insist on going in the wrong direction of history, fueling crises and leveling accusations against others than to help stop the Gaza and Ukraine wars.
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