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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty - 23 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Forty - 23 April 2024 - Page 2

Pakistan, security neighborhood ...

Page 1

On the other hand, the most significant challenge facing the Islamic Republic of Iran in its neighborhood policy is finding ways to ensure the security of the region without the presence of extra-regional security providers. The “basic security” neighborhood policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the medium and long term, can alleviate this challenge, provided its clear policy is successful.
According to this policy, each regional country, based on its capabilities and prioritized perceived risks, can assume a responsible role in ensuring regional security. In this scheme, Iran and its neighboring countries determine their security cooperation priorities within a cooperative and mutually beneficial framework and take steps to address them. This policy, in addition to being flexible in adapting to opportunities and challenges, will also be compatible with the ambitions of each neighboring country at the regional level.
If the policy is adopted, the incumbent Iranian government would find the opportunity to fill the fundamental vacuum of a neighborhood policy by opening the door to dialogue through economic and cultural interactions. In turn, the continuation of successful dialogues in political, economic, and security domains can fulfill the basic function of a neighborhood policy. By increasing the diplomatic dynamism of the country and providing a new playing field for Iran, these capacities can significantly contribute to Iran’s economy, politics, and security. If successful, this plan will eliminate the need for heavy expenditures to eliminate security gaps in relations with regional countries.
Enhancing the level of economic, cultural, and security cooperation between Iran and Pakistan can create a new power equation for economic development in the regional environment with the participation of Iran, China, and Pakistan. Cooperation on such levels creates the basis for enhancing the security coefficient of Iran and Pakistan. The necessities of the neighborhood policy in Iran-Pakistan relations not only lead to the enhancement of mutual power equations but also provide the groundwork for preventing the spread of regional conflicts. Iran and Pakistan, within the framework of the neighborhood policy, have the necessary potential to enhance the level of mutual relations and combat extremism, terrorism, and crisis-inducing groups in the regional environment.
Economic issues play a very significant role in Iran-Pakistan neighborhood policy. Pakistan’s large population and its energy deficit can be addressed with Iran’s fuel reserves. Although the underdevelopment of border regions of Iran and Pakistan and the lack of communication and economic infrastructure are considered inhibiting factors, the economies of both countries can be intertwined with a softening of security-oriented strategies and enhancing the capacities of the para-diplomatic approach. This is because the neighborhood policy oversees long-term directions for reducing threats and furthering neighbors’ interests. Recent changes in power equations at the global and regional levels also reinforce Iran’s neighborhood policy toward

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