Ayatollah Khamenei exalts great Persian poet on Saadi Day

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei praised renowned 13th-century poet Saadi as “one of the pillars of the solid foundation of Persian literature”.
Saadi is widely recognized as one of the greatest poets of the classical literary tradition, earning him the nickname “The Master of Speech” through ‘Gulestan’, a landmark of Persian literature and the most influential work of prose. His other magnum opus is the Bustan, a book of poetry, Press TV wrote.
“Saadi is definitely one of the pillars of the solid foundation of Persian literature, a product of poetry and prose, and the constituent of one of the most graceful organs of the glorious body of our current culture,” the Leader said in his message to a congress commemorating Saadi on Saturday.
“Saadi’s aphorism, which is derived from the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith, has always been a golden seal on the memory of learners, and his eloquent and explicit language has been the revelator of the treasures of meanings for the searching and eager hearts,” the Leader said.
His message came as Iranians marked the National Commemoration Day of Saadi Shirazi.
“The celebration of Saadi is the celebration of not only eloquent poetry and prose, but also morals, wisdom and knowledge,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
“In this era when the blessed Islamic Revolution has made the life of our people the realm of Islamic values, and put wisdom and knowledge in its worthy place, it is appropriate that the beautiful mention of Saadi be repeated and emphasized,” he added.
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