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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Seven - 20 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Seven - 20 April 2024 - Page 3

Enchanting Hindu Temple of Bandar Abbas

The Hindu Temple in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan Province, stands as a poignant reminder of the Hindu community that once resided in this city between 1921 and 1965. Its distinctive architecture sets it apart as a truly unique structure, unparalleled elsewhere in the country. Designated as a national heritage site in Iran, this temple has evolved into one of the most renowned tourist destinations in Bandar Abbas.
Situated on the northern shores of the Persian Gulf, amidst the historic and bustling streets of Bandar Abbas, the Hindu Temple captivates the attention of all who encounter it. The architectural design of this edifice echoes the grandeur of Hindu temples found in India, adding to its allure and mystique.
Constructed under the patronage of Mohammad Hassan Khan Sardar Saad al-Mulk, the Hindu Temple of Bandar Abbas served a community of around a hundred individuals primarily involved in commerce during that era. Originating from the merchant town of Shikarpoor in western India, these traders left a lasting legacy with the creation of this temple, adorned with intricate sculptures and a mihrab.
Over time, the temple fell into disrepair until the intervention of the province’s Cultural Heritage Organization, which oversaw significant renovations to restore its former glory. Today, this architectural gem stands as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry that once thrived in Bandar Abbas, inviting visitors to explore its history and marvel at its enduring beauty.
The Hindu Temple of Bandar Abbas stands as a living testament to the once vibrant trade ties between Indians and Iranians, a historical connection that has sadly faded from the collective consciousness today. Regrettably, the local inhabitants of Bandar Abbas remain largely unaware of the rich historical significance and architectural marvel that this temple embodies.
Constructed using a blend of limestone, clay mortar, coral stones, soil, and thick gypsum, the Hindu Temple of Bandar Abbas showcases a unique exterior design characterized by a cone-shaped structure adorned with white hues, longitudinal grooves, and ridges.
The foundation of this temple comprises a central square chamber crowned by a dome. Within this chamber, the striking features of the mihrab and intricately designed blind frames catch the eye, while encircling corridors once frequented by pilgrims offer a glimpse into the temple’s past. These corridors also house small rooms that once served as spaces for Brahmin school students. Adorning the walls of some rooms are religious paintings, among which a notable depiction of the Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism, playing the flute holds particular significance.
Within the confines of the western corridor of the Hindu Temple of Bandar Abbas, a fascinating journey awaits those who ascend the spiral staircases leading to the temple’s roof. Here, the interplay of light and shadow is accentuated by the presence of four skylights strategically positioned on the polygonal space, casting a celestial glow upon the steps. Above, a grand dome adorned with intricate Hindu motifs and zigzag layers stands as a testament to the temple’s architectural grandeur.
Beneath this resplendent dome, on the eastern side, lies a vast hall that once echoed with the voices of community gatherings. Adorned with a series of paintings, each meticulously crafted to symbolize a specific philosophy or belief held dear by the Indian people, this hall serves as a visual chronicle of the temple’s cultural heritage.
Given Bandar Abbas’s hot and humid climate, visitors are advised to explore this area during the cooler seasons to fully appreciate its splendor. Opting for early morning or sunset visits ensures a more comfortable experience, shielded from the intensity of the midday sun. However, as night falls, the Hindu Temple transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle, its architectural beauty illuminated by enchanting lights that add a new dimension to its allure.

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