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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Seven - 20 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Seven - 20 April 2024 - Page 2

Raisi inaugurates industrial projects in Semnan

President Ebrahim Raisi inaugurated industrial projects including the second phase of the Semnan power plant with a capacity of 366 megawatts (MW) and Garmsar water project as well as the hand-over of residential units to people on a visit to the province on Thursday.
Raisi, who arrived in Semnan Province on Thursday, visited different parts of the Shahid Bakeri Combined-Cycle Power Plant in Semnan and inaugurated the second phase of this power plant with a capacity of 366 MW, according to
Semnan’s Shahid Bakeri Power Plant is one of the leading power plants in supplying electricity to industries and is a combined cycle type with a production capacity of 324 MW, including two gas units of 162 MW, the second phase of which was put into operation with a capacity of 366 MW, with the presence of the president, and the capacity of the power plant to 690 MW.
This project is one of the country’s major economic projects that contribute to solving the problems of the energy sector, which was put into operation in less than a year with the efforts of the government.
Moreover, a ceremony was held to mark the resumption of production for more than 200 fully stagnant units of Semnan Province, which have returned to the production cycle during Raisi’s Administration, attended by the president.
Also, in a ceremony attended by the president, a sum of 2,058 residential units were handed over to applicants while some water projects were inaugurated in the province.
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