‘Salman the Persian’ series begins ancient Iran season

Production of the ‘Salman the Persian’ series, directed by Davoud Mir-Baqeri, has resumed with filming Ancient Iran season, at Ghazali Cinema Town.
It is expected that approximately one and a half years is needed for its completion, ISNA wrote.
In this season, the childhood of the character Salman the Persian will be portrayed, with actors who are not widely known.
Titled as one of the most star-studded seasons of this historical series, this season features over 60 actors in various roles.
Filming for the Ancient Iran season will continue through spring and summer, with plans to include scenes shot in Semnan.
The series revolves around Salman the Persian, the Iranian companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is composed of three seasons, namely Byzantium, Ancient Iran and Hijaz.
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