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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Three - 15 April 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Three - 15 April 2024 - Page 7

Iran launches retaliatory strike on Israel

Iran “concluded” a massive missile and drone strike on Israel to retaliate the regime’s April 1 attack on its consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus.
The attack, launched by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Saturday night, targeted an Israeli intelligence center and an air base in the occupied territories.
The chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Baqeri, said on Sunday that Iran concluded its retaliatory strikes on Israel and there was “no intention to continue this operation”.
Baqeri said the attack has “achieved all its objectives”.
He said that Iran’s strikes targeted an intelligence center and the air base from which the Israeli F-35 jets took off to strike Iran’s consulate, which claimed the lives of seven members of the IRGC, including two generals.
“Both these centers were significantly destroyed,” he said.
Baqeri downplayed the extent of the operation compared to what Iran is capable of, saying that it was merely a punishment and the country’s response to any further military action by the Israeli regime “will be much greater.”
“The reason for this operation was the crossing of [Iran’s] red line by the Zionist regime, which cannot be tolerated in any way for us,” he asserted.
The chief commander of the IRGC also warned the Israeli regime that Iran’s reaction will be “certainly much harsher” if the regime responds to Iran’s operation.
“The Zionist regime must stop its past behavior and learn from this [attack]. If the Zionist regime shows any response, our reaction will certainly be much harsher based on this new experience we have gained from their capabilities,” Major General Hossein Salami said on Sunday.
“From now on, if the Zionist regime attacks our interests, assets, figures, and citizens at any point, it will face counterattack from within the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he added.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi hailed the operation, saying the hybrid operation taught the occupying regime an unforgettable lesson.
Raisi also warned Israel and its allies against any “reckless” actions after Tehran’s attack, which marked the first time Iran has launched a direct military assault on Israel.

Decisive response
“If the Zionist regime or its supporters demonstrate reckless behavior, they will receive a decisive and much stronger response,” Raisi said in a statement.
Over the last two weeks, the Iranian authorities had repeatedly vowed to “punish” Israel after the death of seven IRGC members in Syria. Iran has blamed Israel for the attack.
During a speech in Tehran on Wednesday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the Israeli regime “must be punished and will be punished” for the deadly strike on the Iranian diplomatic premises.

Iran defends operation
Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations defends the country’s operation.
“Iran’s military action was based on Article 51 of the United Nations Charter concerning legitimate defense in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus,” the mission said in a statement on Saturday.
“The matter can be considered as concluded,” it added.
The mission, however, warned that if the Israeli regime perpetrated another mistake, Iran’s subsequent response could be “remarkably more intense.”
The statement concluded that the conflict was one between Iran and the rogue regime, “of which the United States should stay away.”

UN failure
Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Amir-Saeid Iravani n a letter to the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the president of the UN Security Council Vanessa Frazier denounced the Security Council’s inaction over Israel’s actions.
“Regrettably, the United Nations Security Council has failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security, allowing the Israeli regime to transgress red lines and violate the fundamental principles of international law. Such violations have exacerbated tensions in the region and threatened regional and international peace and security.”
Israeli Army on Sunday claimed that it and its allies thwarted 99% of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched toward Israel.
Israel said Iran launched 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic
Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, claimed that none of the drones and cruise missiles reached Israel and that only a few of the ballistic missiles got through. He said that of the cruise missiles, 25 were shot down by the Israeli air force.
Hagari said minor damage was caused to an Israeli airbase, but he said it was still functioning.
In Washington, Biden said US forces helped Israel down the drones and missiles and pledged to convene allies to develop a unified response. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Britain’s air force was also involved, shooting down a number of Iranian drones.

World’s reaction
Global powers Russia, China, France and Germany as well as Arab states Egypt, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates urged restraint. Many countries, especially the western ones, condemned Iran’s operation.
Speaking to foreign ambassadors in Tehran, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, said how is it that countries do not urge the Israeli regime to show restraint but wants Iran to do so.  
Amir-Abdollahian said Iran had informed neighboring countries of its planned retaliatory attack “72 hours before the operation”.
“We announced to our brothers and friends in the region, including the countries hosting American military bases, that our objective was only to punish the Israeli regime,” he said.
“We are not seeking to target the American people or American bases in the region,” he said, but warned that Iran could target US military positions involved in “defending and supporting” Israel.
Iran also summoned the French, British and German ambassadors to Tehran over reactions to Iran’s attack.
“The British, French and German ambassadors to Tehran were summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following the irresponsible positions of certain officials of these countries regarding Iran’s response to the actions of the Zionist regime against the nationals and interests of our country,” IRNA said.
Iran and Israel have for years been engaged in a shadow war marked by incidents like the Damascus strike. But Sunday’s assault, which set off air raid sirens across Israel, was the first time Iran has launched a direct military assault on Israel, despite decades of enmity dating back to the Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution.

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