Society for Iranian Archaeology concerned about cultural heritage

 The Society for Iranian Archaeology emphasized the need to reconsider and pay attention to the dire conditions of cultural heritage protection in the country. In a statement released recently, the society highlighted ongoing concerns despite advancements in archaeological management.
The society underscored that despite progress in archaeological management, the conditions of Iran’s cultural heritage remain alarming. It urged policymakers and executive officials in various sectors of the Tourism Ministry to heed the demands of archaeologists and devise solutions to overcome the current crisis, ILNA wrote.
The statement emphasized that Iran’s land has been shaped by centuries of human interaction with the environment and its resources. The tangible and intangible cultural heritage serves as a link to our cultural and biological past, representing a unique aspect of our identity.
Examples of neglect in heritage preservation, such as unauthorized excavations and destruction of historical sites, were cited, indicating the urgent need for review and improvement in conservation policies and practices.
The society stressed the importance of sustainable development aligned with the country’s environmental, geographical, cultural, and historical realities.
The society called for a critical examination and optimization of heritage conservation efforts to ensure the protection of Iran’s valuable assets. It expressed hope that by prioritizing cultural heritage issues, authorities could guarantee economic growth alongside the promotion and preservation of the country’s rich culture.

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