Leader calls for massive turnout at upcoming elections

Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called for massive turnout at the upcoming elections across the country, saying the path of reform passes through elections.
Speaking at a meeting with a group of people from East Azarbaijan Province on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei said everyone should participate in the elections, Press TV reported.
“Elections are the main pillar of the Islamic Republic. The way to reform the country is through elections,” he said.
He reminded the candidates that political differences should not affect the national unity of the Iranian nation against the enemies.
“Do not assume that the enemy is weak and incapable,” the Leader asserted. “An important condition for victory is knowing the capabilities of the enemy, yet not fearing it.”
Iran is gearing up for parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections slated for March 1.
Almost 15,000 candidates have been approved to compete in the parliamentary elections that are held every four years.
In the Assembly of Experts elections, 144 candidates are vying for 88 seats at the body, which elects and oversees the activities of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and is in a position of authority to either appoint or dismiss the Leader.
In recent months, Ayatollah Khamenei has consistently encouraged people to participate in the elections. Early last month, he said, “Anyone who opposes the elections is opposing the Islamic Republic and Islam.”
He also censured attempts aimed at demoralizing the people and making them distrustful by claiming that the elections in Iran are meaningless.

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