Iran, Tajikistan discuss making joint cinematic works

Officials from Iran and Tajikistan discussed the possibility of jointly producing cinematic works during a meeting held at the Farabi Cinema Foundation (FCF) in Tehran.
The talks, which took place between the Managing Director of FCF, Majid Zeynolabedin, and the Head of Cinematography Affairs in Tajikistan, along with the director of Tajik Film and several filmmakers from Tajikistan, highlighted the potential for collaborative film projects, ILNA wrote.  The meeting, held during the 42nd Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran, focused on the shared cultural heritage of the two nations.
Zeynolabedin expressed optimism about the prospect of Persian-speaking filmmakers from Tajikistan making joint works.
“We should unlock the potential for collaborative productions that, while showcasing the shared culture of Iran and Tajikistan, are also engaging and attractive to the audience,” stated Zeynolabedin, outlining the vision for future collaborations in the realm of cinema.

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