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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ten - 18 February 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ten - 18 February 2024 - Page 7

A world of ...

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On the other hand, Muslim and Arab nations have largely remained on the fence. Those having diplomatic relations with Israel kept them intact and none of them even brought back home their envoys. Some of them even refuse to speak out against the Israeli atrocities. And certain nations filled up the Israeli war machine by keeping their bilateral trade with the regime up and running. For instance, Azerbaijan significantly boosted its oil exports to Israel in January by shipping over 523,000 tons of crude oil. And on Friday, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met with his Israeli counterpart Isaac Herzog in Munich as if nothing were happening in Gaza.
The only Muslim state that rolled up its sleeves to face off Israel on the battlefield was Yemen, where the ruling Ansarullah movement has been targeting Israeli-bound ships as well as US and British vessels in the Red Sea with missiles and drones to mount pressure on Tel Aviv and its main supporters to give in to a permanent cease-fire.
The latest Israeli bloodshed, which has so far killed nearly 29,000 people, will go down in history, so will Muslim nations’ inaction and indifference that helped fuel the flames of war.

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