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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ten - 18 February 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ten - 18 February 2024 - Page 3

Explore the enchanting Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress in Dezful

Dezful, in Khuzestan Province, boasts a history of several thousand years, making it one of the oldest cities in Iran. The city and its surrounding areas are home to numerous natural and historical attractions that are essential to explore when visiting this remarkable region.
One of the most spectacular places to visit in Dezful is the Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress and the beautiful road leading to it. Also known as Ali Mardan Khan, this fortress is among the most magnificent and ancient sites in Dezful.
Traveling along a winding and verdant road, visitors can behold a breathtaking and picturesque landscape, complete with waterfalls, streams, and the splendid Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress. This natural fortress, situated on the mountain walls at an elevation of 1,550 meters, and nestled alongside the Haft-Tanan Mountains, captivates with its beauty, IRNA wrote.
Local guides in the area explain that the towering walls of this mountain, coupled with the challenging access to its peak, led to the formation of a natural fortress that served as a refuge or military structure in the past. They also mention the existence of a castle-like structure atop the fortress in ancient times.

Route to the fortress
Dezful is located in the southwest of Iran, and it is one of the northern cities of Khuzestan Province, hosting some of the most important tourist attractions in the region. The city is 721 kilometers from Tehran, and 155 kilometers from Ahvaz. The Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress is also located 25 kilometers north of Sardasht, and 65 kilometers northeast of Dezful.
From Dezful to Sardasht is approximately 45 kilometers, and from there, a 25-kilometer mountainous route leads to Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress. From the beginning of this mountainous route, you can enjoy the extraordinary view of the Haft-Tanan Mountains and take incredible photos.
Surrounding landscapes
There is a twin waterfall at the foot of the mountain where the fortress is located. The waterfall on the right side, with less water flow, is hidden behind a tree, but the one on the left side is fully visible. The color of Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress is earthy, and in some parts, it is dark and black, which enhances the grandeur of this massive wall. The surrounding vegetation and the waterfall add to the natural beauty of this area.
Accommodation options
Camping in front of this twin waterfall is one of the best accommodation options recommended for nature enthusiasts. In this part of the Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress, there are several small stone-roofed chambers that tribes used for residence or rest. These chambers can be used as a refuge in suitable weather conditions and with safety considerations. However, it should be noted that spending the night in these chambers is not possible; their roofs do not fully protect against raindrops.
If you aim to capture the complete view of Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress in your photo, it is best to start taking pictures from a distance. The fortress is quite large, and as you get closer, it may not all fit into the frame.

Hiking and access tips
To find the ideal starting point for your hike, consider seeking assistance from a local guide, or using a map for navigation. You can approach the Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress from both sides of the twin waterfalls and enjoy the stunning scenery of the area from above. The length of this route is approximately 20 to 30 minutes, and whether you approach it from the right or left side of the waterfall, there is no significant difference in time.
Depending on your hiking plan, you can cover a longer distance and reach the fortress from various points. The route to Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress is relatively easy and mostly flat, making it accessible for mountaineers and nature enthusiasts. The only potential challenge may arise from rain or strong winds, so be sure to check the weather conditions in advance.
As there are no shops along this mountainous route, ensure you bring all necessary supplies and personal items with you. Pack essentials such as sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, water, and any required medications in your backpack.

Best time to visit
During the rainy season, the area showcases beautiful small and large water streams and waterfalls on this mountain and the surrounding mountains, adding an extraordinary charm to this natural fortress.
The best time to visit Mohammad Ali Khan Fortress is from late autumn to early spring. The plains filled with yellow wildflowers are one of the most beautiful attractions of this area in the spring season, which should definitely not be missed.

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