Tehran, Havana keen to expand collaboration in agricultural sector

Tehran and Havana are keen to expand collaboration in the field of agriculture, an official at Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture said in a joint meeting held between members of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Support Services Company (ASSC) and the Iran-Cuba Agricultural Cooperation Development Group.
Deputy CEO of the ASSC for Trade Affairs Ali Alizadeh noted that given the high capacities of Iran for exporting urea fertilizers to other countries and also the export-based approach of most companies producing bio- and organic fertilizers, the ground has been set for the country to expand its cooperation with the agricultural sector of Cuba in this area, reported Mehr News Agency.
During the meeting, the Iran-Cuba Agricultural Cooperation Development Group presented a comprehensive report on the situation of agriculture in the Latin American country and called on ASSC to pave the way for the expansion of bilateral cooperation.
The Iranian side hailed the determination of the Cuban officials to expand cooperation with Iran in the field of trading agricultural products.

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