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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Eight - 15 February 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Eight - 15 February 2024 - Page 3

Cantor Church: A historical Orthodox landmark in Qazvin

Qazvin, the capital city of northcentral province of Qazvin, is a city with a wealth of historical buildings, making it a prime destination for tourists. Among its many attractions, you will find the beautiful Cantor Church, also known as the Bell Tower.
Situated in the southern part of Moshir Park, or Laleh Park, near Ayatollah Taleghani Boulevard, this church dates back to the Pahlavi era and is one of the few Orthodox churches in Iran. It holds a prominent place on Iran’s National Heritage List.
Cantor Church is the third smallest church in the world. It was constructed during the Russian occupation of Iran in World War II. After the Russians left, the church remained unoccupied. As Orthodox Christians are not residents of Iran, the building is now preserved and maintained as a historical monument. Inside, visitors can find several showcases selling handmade jewelry and other handicrafts.
Qazvin is also home to two other active churches used by Christians and Armenians for their ceremonies, though they are not open to the public.
Cantor Church features an entrance adorned with Russian crosses on both sides of the walls. Above the entrance, there is a three-story bell tower that leads to a small dome.
Cantor Church is a small church with a four-sided plan and two domes. The larger dome is situated in the center of the prayer hall, while the smaller dome is positioned above the apse. The structure is built using brick and mortar, with the bricks meticulously arranged, resulting in a beautiful architectural design. The entrance to Cantor Church is located on the western side, featuring an entrance space with a sloping roof and a door.
In the church’s courtyard there are two tombstones, one belonging to a Russian pilot and the other to a Russian engineer, who lost their lives in Iran.
Upon entering, there is a front hall with a bell tower standing at approximately eleven meters high. The hall encompasses the prayer hall and the apse, with two rectangular spaces on either side. The apse space is semi-circular, and a dome is positioned above it.
The prayer hall is topped with a dome, while its adjacent spaces are covered with flat roofs. Decorative columns can be observed in the exterior of the church.
Additionally, there are two rooms in the church, one on each side, with one designated for the priest to change clothes.


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