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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seven - 14 February 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seven - 14 February 2024 - Page 2

News in Brief


Overhauling power stations saves Iran $200m annually

The high technical know-how of Iranian experts and their skills in overhauling power stations equipment has saved the country $200 million in a year, announced the CEO of the Iran Power Plant Repairs Company (IPRC).
The country has no dependency on foreign countries in repair and maintenance services of thermal power plants, Masoud Moradi stated, reported IRNA.
In addition to meeting domestic demands, the country currently exports techno-engineering services to regional countries in the field of repairing power plant units, he stated. Iran holds the top rank in the Middle East in the field of overhauling thermal power plant units, as the country has managed to be among the top five countries in terms of manufacturing power plant turbines in the world, the official noted.

Tehran, Moscow keen to promote agricultural cooperation

Officials from Iran and Russia stressed expanding cooperation in the fields of agriculture and veterinary medicine.
Head of the Iran Veterinary Organization (IVO) Mojtaba Norouzi held a meeting with Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) Sergei Dankvert in Moscow to discuss bilateral ties and issues of mutual interest, reported Tasnim News Agency.
The Iranian side called for boosting mutual cooperation and removing trade barriers in the way of the export of Iranian fishery and dairy products to Russia. During the meeting, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was inked between the two sides in the fields of veterinary quarantine, plant protection and expansion of cooperation between the two countries in imports and exports.
An expert-level technical meeting was recently held between the deputy head of the Iran Veterinary Organization and Deputy Head of the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Konstantin Savenkov, in line with removing the problems ahead of exporting Iran’s dairy and aquatic products to the Russian Federation.

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