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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Five - 12 February 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Five - 12 February 2024 - Page 7

Iran most independent...

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He said that the Islamic Revolution is racing forward following the periods of establishment, stabilization and development, and that it recognizes no obstacle in its path forward.
“The enemy launched military, economic, media and psychological wars, and more recently, a hybrid war in order to stop the Iranian nation, but the people emerged victorious in all arenas and disappointed the enemy,” he noted.
Support for Palestine
Ebrahim Raisi also has reaffirmed Iran’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people, saying Palestine remains the number one issue of the Muslim world as the late founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Rouhullah Khomeini said famously.
Addressing a massive rally in the capital, Tehran, on the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Raisi said Western powers tried very hard to dissuade Iran from supporting Palestine but failed miserably.
“The Westerners tried hard to make Iran stop defending Palestine and the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, whether through war or economic blockade and sanctions, and repeatedly sent messages saying ‘stop defending Palestine,’” he said.
The president hastened to add that forty-five years after the victory of the revolution, it is now proven that “the Islamic Republic and our visionary Imam” were right in saying that Palestine is the first issue of the Islamic world and that Al-Quds must be freed.
He also advised people who want to know the West, the US and the Zionist regime to look at their ongoing crimes against humanity, war crimes and child-killings in Gaza.
Raisi also accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza with the support of the United States and other Western countries.
Since October 7, Israel has waged the genocidal war on Gaza after the Palestinian Hamas resistance group carried out a historic operation against the occupying entity in retaliation for its intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people.
So far, the regime has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured over 67,600 others.
Raisi demanded that the “bombing of Gaza should be stopped as soon as possible” and declared that “the death of the Zionist regime has come”.
He asked about Israel: “How can a regime that has violated 400 statements and resolutions of international organizations adhere to UN covenants?
“We believe that one of the important steps that should be taken is the expulsion of the Zionist regime from the United Nations.”

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