Hamedan Cultural Week to be held in Armenia

The Hamedan Cultural Week is set to take place in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, from February 7 to 16.
The event is organized by the Embassy and the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Department in Hamedan Province, ISNA wrote.
The opening ceremony, coinciding with the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory, and Iran’s National Day, will be attended by Mehdi Sobhani, the Iranian Ambassador to Armenia, the head of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Department in Hamedan Province, and a delegation of Armenian tourism and cultural officials, Iranian residents in Yerevan, and the cultural community of Armenia.
An exhibition showcasing the talents and handicrafts of skilled Hamedani artists will be held in the Blue Mosque Hall, aiming to introduce the cultural capacities of Hamedan, featuring crafts such as leatherwork, pottery, and Mat weaving (Morvar bafi).
The traditional music ensemble “Ayeen” from Hamedan will participate in cultural events throughout the week, performing at locations including the Armenian State University, and the National Library of Armenia, as well as the Shahid Fahmideh Educational Complex. On February 20, the group will perform on the National Day in Yerevan, while on February 21, it will entertain the audience in the Syunik Province city of Kapan.
Naqqali performances from the ‘Shahnameh’ (Book of Kings) will be among the cultural week’s programs, engaging the audience with selected tales.
According to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad Asadi Movahed, Iran’s Cultural Attaché, emphasized the promotion of cultural and artistic capacities of different Iranian provinces to boost cultural economy.
He said “It is hoped that in the coming year, similar cultural weeks from several other provinces will be held in Armenia.”

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