Raisi: Restored ties to help Iran, Sudan compensate for lost opportunities

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said Tehran considers restoration of ties between Iran and Sudan as a basis for compensating lost opportunities.
Raisi made the remarks at a meeting with visiting Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali al-Sadiq Ali in Tehran on Monday.
Referring to the existing capacities in the two countries and their mutual will to improve political, economic and cultural relations, the Iranian president said the exchange of ambassadors and the reopening of embassies in Tehran and Khartoum can pave the way for the revival and development of ties between the two countries.
Back in October 2023, Iran and Sudan agreed to restore diplomatic relations after seven years following a thaw in ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia in March 2023, which led to restorations of ties between many regional countries.
Earlier on Monday, the Sudanese foreign minister also held a separate meeting with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.
Both officials expressed the determination of their countries to strengthen cooperation as a new chapter has opened in mutual ties after a seven-year hiatus.
“The presence of the Sudanese delegation in Tehran indicates the firm determination of high-ranking Sudanese officials to expand relations,” said Amir-Abdollahian.
He added that the reopening of the two countries’ embassies would play an important role in improving bilateral cooperation.
The top Iranian diplomat noted that the country has great capacities and experience in the industrial sector, technical and engineering services, modern technologies, medicine and pharmacology, which it can share with Sudan to help the African country achieve development and progress.
The Sudanese foreign minister, for his part, regretted that Tehran and Khartoum had severed relations, and said his country is resolute on boosting ties with Iran in various fields.

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